All rental facilites can be booked as of January of the next year!
Available for rent April through October.
Saylor Park Pavilion Rate
Resident $200.00
Non-Resident $250.00
Available Year round from 10AM-10PM
Social Hall Rental Rate
Resident $350.00
Non Resident $400.00
Coplay Pool will open June 14 2025 Season
Hours are Tuesday-Sunday 12-7pm / closed on Mondays
New 25 Gallon Recycle bins with lids are in If you are in need, Starting March 1st they will be $15.00, please stop by the Borough office during Business hours M-F 8:00-4:00PM
Metal is always 3rd Thursday of the Month
**No shredded paper or stytofoam in recycling
GARBAGE CANS in excess of 35 gallons will NOT be collected. You must call borough office at 610-262-6088 to schedule pick up of larger items (sofas, mattresses, etc.) on regularly scheduled garbage days, limit of two per year at no charge
Please have your cans out before 7AM for both garbage and recycling and they must be placed on the edge of the property or curb, we can not go on your property.
We cannot return to your residence a second time. Also, please try to put lids or weights on cans if possible (especially when it’s windy!) to try and keep OUR town clean.
A per Borough code, all garbage bags must be placed in cans, especially with the upcoming winter. Flying animals and rodents will get in your garbage and tear it apart and spread it around.Lets keep our Little Borough Clean.
Agendas for Workshop, Regular & Park & Recreation Meetings will be posted under forms and documents no lesss than 24 hours before scheduled meeting.
Escape the great indoors – Join Cub Scouts K-5th grade
Pack 32 Whitehall/Coplay
It became illegal in 2013 under the PA Act 108 of 2010, for any individual to dispose of electronic waste in any other
way except to recycle it. You may take your electronics to the following location.
DRC Technologies, 2005 Main Street, Northampton, PA 18067
- Call 610-502-0854 for acceptable materials list and fees
- Appointment Only!
I am pleased to inform you and the Coplay Borough Council that the Digital Archives and Special Collections at Lehigh University has completed the online posting of the 27 editions of Coplay Echoes. As you may know, the Coplay community came together with this publication to support the men and women in the Armed Forces who were serving around the world during the war. Coplay Echoes is a fascinating window into the genuine, personal and heartfelt connection between Coplayites and its sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters during that uncertain time.
I received the almost complete collection of Coplay Echoes years ago from my father, a U.S. Navy WWII veteran. (The Coplay Library provided the one volume I was missing from their holdings and graciously added it to the collection.)
Recently I felt that this unique publication was of considerable importance to the current generation of Coplayites whose parents, grandparents, and relatives served in that war. I began contacting historical societies at the state and local level to determine if they would be able to digitize these historic publications. With great excitement Lehigh University’s Special Collections agreed to archive the physical copies of Coplay Echoes and also digitize them for posting on their website. That effort is now complete and all Coplay Echoes are available for viewing at:
Growing up in Coplay from 1952 to 1970, and like many of its citizens, I have a special place in my heart for what this town embodies and how it has shaped my life. After a full Army career and many moves, my wife and I now reside in Williamsburg, Virginia.
With my sincere best wishes to you and all citizens of Coplay, Pennsylvania.
Carl Kropf
Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Below is the link provided
Coplay Echoes